the lucid self

The Lucid Self Approach

The Lucid Self approach uses self-awareness as a tool to:

  • Develop methods to manage stress and anxiety
  • Effect sustainable behavior change
  • Communicate authentically and assertively
  • Create harmonious relationships
  • Resolve interpersonal conflicts
  • Make healthy and enlightened decisions

The Lucid Self approach offers coaching and tools to become more self-aware, clarify recurring patterns in our life, and make decisions for sustainable change.


Detect and recognize thoughts, feelings, sensations and behaviors.

It takes courage to accept reality, but it’s a necessary step for sustainable change.

Clarify recurring patterns

Discover unhealthy situations and behaviors that seem to be playing out in a loop in our life:

  • Do I always repeat the same mistakes?
  • Do I find myself in one toxic relationship after another?
  • Do I often experience the same type of workplace conflict?
Investigating our recurring behavior patterns will help guide future decisions.

Act on self-discovery

Use the information discovered throughout the self-awareness journey to set goals and act for sustainable change.

Decisions and actions in line with our values are more long-lasting.

Eve Léonard has received a Certificate in Psychology from the Université de Montréal and a Diploma of Applied Psychology and Counselling from Kelowna College of Professional Counselling.

She has also studied Carl Jung’s cognitive functions theory and the Myers-Briggs psychometric system, the typology of the Enneagram and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).